SABnzbd: verschil tussen versies

Uit WaaaghPedia
Geen bewerkingssamenvatting
(geen verschil)

Versie van 14 jul 2019 12:00

Min diskspace 150GB for highspeed downloads!



Installeer CentOS en Finetune CentOS

yum -y install epel-release #Install EPEL repo
yum -y install wget git par2cmdline p7zip unzip tar gcc python-feedparser python-configobj python-dbus python-devel python-pip libmediainfo #Install Prereqs
yum -y install   #Install unrar
yum -y install #Install python-yenc
pip install pip --upgrade   #Update pip
pip install cheetah cryptography sabyenc --upgrade   #install python modules
yum -y update


useradd -r sabnzbd   # Create usenet service account
mkdir -p /apps/data/.sabnzbd && cd /apps   # Create data dir for SABnzbd
git clone -b master sabnzbd   # Download SABnzbd files
chown -R sabnzbd:sabnzbd /apps   # Change ownership of SABnzbd files
nano /etc/systemd/system/sabnzbd.service   # Create systemd service script file

[Unit] Description=SABnzbd Daemon

[Service] Type=forking User=sabnzbd Group=sabnzbd ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /apps/sabnzbd/ --daemon --config-file=/apps/data/.sabnzbd/sabnzbd_config.ini -s GuessMainPID=no


systemctl enable sabnzbd.service # Set SABnzbd to start at system boot systemctl start sabnzbd.service # Start SABnzbd

SABnzbd is nu geïnstalleerd en beschikbaar op http://hostname:8080


Update je systeem

pip install pip --upgrade   #Update pip
systemctl stop sabnzbd.service
cd /apps
rm -rf sabnzbd-old    
mv sabnzbd sabnzbd-old
git clone -b master sabnzbd   # Download SABnzbd files
chown -R sabnzbd:sabnzbd /apps   # Change ownership of SABnzbd files
systemctl start sabnzbd.service


Python Cryptography missing

pip install --upgrade pip
pip install cryptography
systemctl restart sabnzbd.service

Speed up downloading

  • Lokale storage
  • Update systeem
  • Installeer sabyenc
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install sabyenc --upgrade
  • Set the Article Cache Limit in Config->General. This will keep articles in memory and not write them to disk (which is slower). Depending on how much RAM you can spare, two good values are 500M (the M denotes megabytes and is required) or 1G (1GB). If you download a lot of rar files that are 200MB or larger then use the latter value. The cache will only be used when nessecary, cache usages above 400MB are rare.
  • Check if logging is set to only Errors/Warning in the Status window. Especially the +Debug setting writes very frequently tiny bits of data to the disk. This increases CPU load for the writing and occupies the disk.
  • Investigate your connection count in Config->Servers. It may seem counter-intuitive, since more connections should be faster than fewer connections, but if you use the 50+ connections some hosts give you the overhead from constantly opening and closing connections can slow you down. So start at the max allowed connections and slowly lower your count until you max out your speed. Or do it the other way round: start with 5 connections, measure the speed, and raise to 7, measure again, 9, measure again, etc. Normally 10 connections are enough.



firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8080/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8443/tcp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload

Nas Koppeling

Mount NFS



